Cocoa Biscuits
Pay attention, now girls, this is my dear, dear, friend Whiskers, she is going to be staying with us for a few days.
Mags was first to look piercingly at the tall, attractive, red-haired woman, whom Dame Katrina had announced as their
latest guest at the Mews. She was another singer and a DBE in her own right. She was Madams life long friend, on and
off lover, and soprano, Dame Sheba Gingers, whom Madam always affectionately called Whiskers.
Let us sort out your wardrobe Whiskers my dear, Phoebe and Mags will help you to unpack.
Mags approved of the new friend almost immediately, she spoke with the same authority as Madam, was as generous and gentle
with her affections, she even wore the same perfume as Madam, Mags was smitten. Whiskers had a supreme fan.
Phoebe already knew Whiskers, as she had been at Madams side as part of a tour by Caledonian Opera entitled, Rhapsodies
on the Danube; Whiskers and Dame Katrina and a party of about 10 other singers had enjoyed a whirlwind season of music visiting
the great concert halls of Budapest, Prague, Vienna, Venice and Rome. The concerts were to raise funds for rebuilding war
torn Europe. It was the same year that there was an airlift to help save lives in the besieged City of Berlin.
We are all going to spoil ourselves girls; all diets are off now till next week.
Phoebe was not as enthusiastic as her sister about this other dame. She recalled doors being closed during the Danube
tour, with Phoebe left stranded outside in the bitter cold of an East European winter. She also thought Whiskers had brought
enough baggage to the Mews to stay for a whole month and more.
Madam could sense Phoebes unease, she whispered quietly :
Dont look so serious Phoebe; Whiskers will have the guest bedroom. You girls will still be first for my loving.
Phoebe purred. She was willing to try to accept Whiskers, as Mags liked her, and so did Madam.
Orders to Cook were despatched each night and morning. Breakfast was fresh fruit and toast and bread rolls with deep,
rich, sweet preserves and Welsh honey. The honey was from Abergavenny, from the bee hive of a compatriot of Cook named Paul
Handal. Other items were specially delivered by Fortnum and Mason daily. Cook insisted on only using ingredients from them.
She knew the buyer at Fortnums who was in charge of purchasing all the vodkas for their de-luxe hampers and for the wines
and spirit department. Another contemporary that Cook was on close terms with in Clydeside, Nick Nye, took care of marmalades,
his specialities being those flavoured with whisky and rum. Madam adored these treats. A weekly parcel was sent from Carstairs
Junction in Scotland to Euston Railway Station. And personally delivered to the Mews by a third fellow countryman of
Cook, named Alex. He worked as a timetable supervisor with the Great North Eastern Railway at Kings Cross Railway Station.
Whilst Whiskers was in residence at the Mews the main extravagances began with lunch and continued through to supper.
Lunch and dinner were celebrations of the dishes of several nations that had first been tasted on the Danube tour with such
triumphs being served up as Stroganoff, Goulash, wild boar, venison, and pasta with shell fish and octopus. Supper was light
with cold meats Whiskers asked Cook to do her favourite grouse dish and pickled eggs all of which were magnificent. Cook also
prepared special supper dishes for Phoebe and Mags of lambs liver.
Cook and Whiskers were old allies. Whiskers had Russian family connections going back to the Empress Catherine.
Phoebes initial concerns about Whiskers had been unfounded, both she and Mags slept snugly in Madams Room. However, the
first two nights had been disturbed by Madams disappearance for several hours. She explained this by saying she suffered a
migraine attack the first night and so had got up to read and indigestion the second night from over indulging on figs. Phoebe
knew exactly what was going on but kept her mouth shut. She remained discreet for Mags sake. She would ask too many questions
that Phoebe would find awkward about answering.
Mags thought Whiskers was good to have around, the Music Room vibrated with the great works of piano and voice. Phoebe
also enjoyed the awesome sounds of the duets sung by the two great dames and as a fire was lit every evening it was always
a welcoming accompaniment.
Whiskers stay moved into a second and then a third week. They had all gone for a days out in a hired car to the country,
to the races at Epsom, and had visited some mutual friends, also members of Caledonian Opera, Cissie and Dolly at Windsor
in their huge 25 roomed mansion house Shangri-La by the Rivers edge. A party followed with much frivolity, gaiety and colossal
Poets were reciting verses from Sassoon and readings from Virginia Woof and Stevie Smith; artists were sketching and gramophone
records played out the old songs from 20s and 30s Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence reviews.
Phoebe thought she had found a quiet spot on an one upper floor and fell asleep. Then she awoke she thought the room
was on fire, it was full of smoke, then she heard giggling, recognised one of the voices as Whiskers, the other as Dolly.
They were smoking a pipe. Phoebe could just make out the two figures in silloette, dancing closely together.
Other excursions on a sailing boat belonging to Cissie called The Yvonne De Carlo were not as familiar.
Mags heard Dame Katrina say:
Cissies father is stinking, filthy rich, he made his pile in South American oil and is well known as a financier in
the City of London as well as a patron of the arts.
Where is this place, Phoebe? asked Mags
It does not look much like Chelsea or Hampton Court to me, this place is scary, Phoebe. Do you remember Madam used to
take us up river past Putney Bridge when we were young and watch the young men racing ?
Pheobe remembered Oxford and Cambridge boat races meant cream teas and Henley Regatta was a mark of English summers
at their very best, warm and sunny and everyone dressed in style and speaking of Ascot lovlies and John Betjimen lovvies.
Men is straw hats and women with parasols....
But in this dark, depressing place that smelt of the working classes, Phoebe was frightened too. What could Dame Katrina
be thinking about coming out here? She sensed evil.
Yes, I do remember those times, think of them now Mags dear, to take your mind off this evening . Dont worry Mags, you
will be alright, this is a place called Limehouse, it is on the other side of the River Thames.
Who is that man with Madam? He looks like a smuggler or a pirate and he has got funny eyes.
He said his name was Ho. What a strange name, eh Phobe?
Then the bombshell fell.
Mags tried to take her mind off the present. Whiskers is great fun, Pheobe dear. The three of us were playing in the guest
bedroom yesterday, under the covers.
Pheobe became alarmed, she turned on Mags:
What do you mean, playing?. asked Phoebe.
Oh they were playing a hide and seek kind of game, under the bed clothes.. they were drinking champagne and eating biscuits..
and eating sherbet and laughing a lot.
Phoebe knew Madam liked having the other woman around. She knew these games were manic and even dangerous and deadly.
Madam sounded so very happy, Phoebe. Promise you wont be cross with me darling?
Phoebe knew she was being over-protective, but she also knew Whiskers was a very bad influence on Madam.
Was Madam smoking too? asked Phoebe?
Yes, she was, it smelt rather unusual, some sort of new tobacco plant that Cissie's dad brought back from South America,
I guess. concluded Mags.
Eating biscuits did you say?
Mags was being subject to the third degree. She was nervous.
Well, they looked like biscuits and sherbet fountains too. I could swear I think I heard Madam call them cocoa? Yes,
that it, or it was a word like that, oh yes coke, that was it, coke.
It all looked a bit funny Mags continued. In the course of the cajoling Madam put some of the sherbet up her nose, yes
up her nose... why would she want to do that?
She did laugh and then went a little mad and took all her clothes off.
Phoebe was stunned and shaking. Her feared for Madam. She feared for the entire household, expecting a police raid
at any minute.
Whiskers stayed a month at the Mews during which time Madams whole personality changed. Her mood swings were noticeable
to everyone except Mags. Cook comforted Phoebe with a reward of sardines, from a Russian - Portuguese fishmonger called Ivan
who had a stall at Billingsgate Market.
One Monday morning a telegram arrived for Whiskers. Whilst breakfast was being cleared away and lunch and dinner planned
for the next few days she read the contents aloud:
Missing you heaps and heaps.. my darling ..Meet me César Ritz Hotel on Tuesday. Wear evening dress. Love and kisses
galore Coojie Bear xxxx.
Coojie is such a fab, fab person, I must go to my dearest Coojie she announced.
Madam seemed surprised. But Whiskers, after what we said to each other... what we had to do.....before we die...
There were scenes from a melodrama played out as Whiskers packed.
She left to endless kisses and hugs and plunged headfirst into a taxi for the boat train from Victoria for Paris, and
to the almighty relief of Phoebe.
Dame Katrina and Mags cried themselves to sleep.
Phoebe purred and purred to her hearts content.
Dope Girls Marek Kohn